Thursday, September 29, 2011

Brazil urges ban on Gisele Bundchen TV lingerie ad

Brazil's ministry for women has called for a TV advertisement featuring supermodel Gisele Bundchen in her underwear to be suspended.The ministry has asked the advertising authorities to ban the lingerie ad, which it says "reinforces the erroneous stereotyping of women as sex objects".In the ad, a scantily-clad Ms Bundchen distracts her husband while telling him bad news, such as damaging the car.In 2010, the ministry secured the ban of a beer ad featuring Paris Hilton.The advertisement "ignores the progress made in ending sexist practices. It also represents discrimination against women", the ministry said in a statement.The TV campaign sends...

Students occupy Strathclyde University in fees protest

Students have occupied Strathclyde University in Glasgow in a protest over what they see as high tuition fees.The students entered the university's McCance Building at 11:00. They intend to stay there until an STUC organised demonstration on Saturday.Strathclyde University said it was working to minimise disruption.On Tuesday, the university set annual fees of £9,000 - capped at £27,000 for a four-year degree - for students from England, Northern Ireland and Wales.Students from the rest of the UK (RUK) at Scottish universities currently pay about £1,800 in tuition fees.Protest marchThe increase in tuition fees for non-Scots came after the UK...

Executive to establish inquiry into abuse

The executive has agreed to establish an inquiry into allegations of abuse in children's homes and other care institutions going back as far as 1945.The organisations who ran the institutions will face pressure to explain the treatment of children over the course of five decades.They include Catholic religious orders, state and voluntary groups.The inquiry follows lengthy judicial examinations of horrifying tales of abuse in the Irish Republic.Concern has been expressed that passing the legislation necessary to give the inquiry powers to compel witnesses to appear and to obtain all relevant records could take the Northern Ireland Assembly two...

Martin McGuinness has 'no problem' attending Smithwick

Martin McGuinness has said he has "no problem at all" attending the Smithwick Tribunal.But the Irish Presidential candidate said he had no "direct knowledge" of the circumstances surrounding the killings being investigated.Chief Supt Harry Breen and Supt Bob Buchanan were killed in an IRA ambush in south Armagh on 20 March, 1989.The Breen family solicitor called on Mr McGuinness to come forward with any information he has about the murders.The Smithwick Tribunal is investigating allegations of Garda collusion in the murder of the two officers after they left a meeting in Dundalk Garda station.John McBurney, solicitor for the Breen family, made...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Killer shark was unveiled to more than one hundred characters.

Unveil a killer shark precise Mark quart serious techno age of 60 years, he hunted sharks for more than 100,000 during the life of a hunter than 40 years since 1976 and he was one of the few people who have taken a killer shark. exists. He is now settling down, the shark hunter based in Miami, Florida, USA.The shark was caught, most species have a long great white shark 15 feet of water for more than 2,500 pounds, caught off the coast of New York or ฉlamesืa which is the most aggressive species of shark species. And emerging threats. The ฉlamesืa the largest ever caught with more than 15 feet weighs 1400 pounds.The hammer head sharks. The species...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Kim & Kourtney Kardashian & Kristin Cavallari Posing On Beach


Eurozone crisis: Europe's choice to punish or protect

It has been clear for some time what the outlines of a potential deal to save the euro would be.But, contrary to what the more breathless newspaper headlines have suggested, there was no comprehensive deal on the table in Washington this weekend for ministers to discuss, let alone sign up to.First things first: officials have, more or less, accepted the need for a bigger write-down of Greek debt and more capital for Europe's banks.There are plenty of devilish details to sort out. But you can sort them out without requiring a major philosophical shift on the part of the European Central Bank (ECB) or Germany. All that is required is that eurozone...

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